If you are a Type 2 Diabetic, You Must Attend this FREE Training to Learn the Three Secrets Every Diabetic Needs to Know!

Learn how thousands of type 2 diabetics are reversing their diabetes, getting off damaging medications and reclaiming their life.

Learn how thousands of type 2 diabetics are reversing their diabetes, getting off damaging medications and reclaiming their life.

The Three Secrets Every Diabetic Needs to Know!

Secret #1 - Learn which foods to eat to start undoing your diabetes immediately.

Have you heard that old saying that we are what we eat? While that is not exactly true, we are a result of what we eat. Learn the true diet that has helped thousands return their blood sugars to normal and get off medications.

Secret #2 - Discover how to reduce and get off diabetes medications.

Medications are an important part of treatment of any major health condition and diabetes is no exception. The problem with most medications is the side effects. We are then given another drug to counter the damage from the first one. What we really need is to fix the problem and not the symptom. Thats what you will learn, how to reverse diabetes and other related conditions so that you no longer need the medications.

Secret #3 - Find out about the new science that has proven that diabetes can be reversed!

New science from medical professionals around the world is coming out every month by the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) and many others. Based on the science, we now know what really causes diabetes and exactly how to undo it. You will learn this and so much more at
The New Rules of Diabetes Workshop.

You too can Kiss Diabetes Goodbye Once and for All!

"I just got the results of my bloodwork. A1C is down from 8.9 to 6.7! On top of that, I also lost 16 lbs!"


"My husband has seen more energy in me now than he's seen in decades!"



The New Rules to Type-2 Diabetes Workshop


The Surprising Cause

The power of healing has always been inside your body. It's your birthright. You deserve it.

Unleash that power with simple nutrition decisions that align with your body's chemistry to create positive body results.

This is the Day of Discovery

PART two

What's Wrong with Your Insulin

Your health and energy begins with the healing power of each cell of your body.

Understand how to work with your cells using the nourishment of our planet. You will unlock youthful energy and stimulate your body's built-in healing mechanisms.

This is the Day of Possibility.

PART three

The Hidden Dangers of CGM

The biggest obstacle in your way is likely the beliefs you hold about food and your body, beliefs that have not served you on your health journey so far.

Through powerful myth-busting and reframing, you will gain the knowledge to make food serve you and create the body you know is inside of you.

This is the Day of Power

PART four

Unlock Your Body's Ability to Heal

See modern food culture for exactly what it is, and consciously choose a better culture for yourself and those you love.

Learn what food additives are and which ones are blocking your best efforts to lose weight and build a healthy body.

This is the Day of Awakening

PART five

The Body Chemistry Formula

Create a simple and effective Whole Body Roadmap to remake your body with all-day energy, robust health, and a physique you will be proud of.

You will discover the simple and proven Body Chemistry Formula. Together we will map a path that overcomes the physical, emotional, and psychological hurdles you may encounter along the way.

Today is GO DAY 


Mark your calendar and join us!


11:00 AM PDT, 2:00 PM EST

Meet your coach

My Name is Belldon and I'm Obsessed with Helping You Overcome Diabetes.

I get that you have probably tried a lot of things and are probably a bit skeptical about this.

You are in good company. I suffered for years with diabetes, obesity, and heart disease following conventional health advice.

Fortunately, I was able to completely reverse my diabetes and heart disease, lose 105 pounds, and today I am in the best shape of my life.

And best of all, it was much simpler than I thought it would be!

For the last 20 years I have researched diabetes at the cellular level and have unlocked the secrets that have helped me and thousands of others overcome diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disorders and many other health conditions.

Today, I want to help you.


Founder of Nutritional Fitness


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